Saturday, 2 October 2010

The Constitution

Every country has a written constitution, except for mine, good ole' Great Britain. I'd like some opinions really, what does your constitution mean to you? I know it's basically some guidelines that your country has set to keep control, but what does it mean to you?

Comments appreciated ;)


  1. i dont really care about politics, maybe i shoud have payed attention in school

  2. The constitution means very little to me, but I like the bill of rights.

  3. You guys don't have a constitution ? Then where the fuck do you have your laws written ? in a .txt file in the queen's USB pen ?

  4. Not a written one, but we act like we do have a constitution, basically our country works like it does have one. And it claims that we don't have one cause they only come about after a revolultion. We had one of them too ;)

  5. I'm from UK and I like no constitution no crappy "under god" and moaning about seperation of church and state, constitutions are retarded in that people get too attached to sometihng man made *cough* bible *cough* whihc were just a good idea of what to do at the time, when it being changed can help everyone, or jst agreeing soem parts are total bull shit.

  6. I like it. Too bad English doesn't have one.

  7. Not much as we are under EU now...

  8. We do have a constitution, but, it is not codified/written down (for the most part) There are some parts of of British constitution outlined in Erskine may's "Parliamentary Practice" and learned tomes. Most of our constituition instead comes from statute law and tradition - such as the opening ceremony of parliament (black rod and all that)

  9. in the EU...So not really much...

  10. Exactly that Liam, but people still argue that we do not have a constitution, since it hasn't been written down; even though it is quite clear we do, considering the original views of Hobbes and Locke. We also have the worst excuses for not having a written one. It doesn't make sense.

  11. Personally, i don't care much about what the government does as long as it isn't raping me any more then what it already is.

  12. lol I agree with christopher :P

  13. Britain is a good country, but should coincide better with the eu

  14. I actually studied law before becoming a bartender and this is quite an interesting question. It actually makes each law easier to interpret according to the original idea with introducing the law, since you don't just have some bundled up book from 200 years ago.

  15. well it might sound funny but for me it's just another sh*t to learn in schools. I'm being idiot right now but this is how it looks.

  16. I think the US constitution is important to follow, but I think changes in lifestyle and technology need to taken into account.
